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Fool security domestic 3 d printers gun trigger the police attention

* 来源: * 作者: admin * 发表时间: 2020/11/10 17:26:24 * 浏览: 45

        A month ago, the problem of 3 d printing gun has caused a lot of attention abroad, in the case of relative condition better, the foreign media reports and comments for 3 d printing guns to cause the attention of many readers

  Recently, the domestic liaoning police have for 3 d printer can print out the gun begun an investigation, and is also the first domestic paid attention to the related issues of 3 d printing.

  Plastic pistols can deceive the security check

  On May 5 this year, the designer to design a plastic gun Wilson published on the Internet.

  Anyone as long as you have drawings, this is the advanced 3 d printer can be made, it can kill people, can even through the metal detector check, deceive the airport security.

  More worrying is, two weeks, a detailed design of the gun was downloaded more than 100000 times.

  In China the question of whether 3 d printers can build gun, yesterday reporter visits.

  Survey found that dalian university of technology department of materials engineering professor Yao Shan research and development of "the world's largest laser 3 d printers" has entered the stage of debugging.

  The reporter understands, in theory, this 3 d printers print speed is 80 times that of the common 3 d printers, printer maximum machining size will reach 1.8 meters. And he said, this 3 d printing technology in China and the world not only in sync, even have a leading place.

  Shenyang 3 d printer is not enough to build a gun

  In shenyang, civil 3 d printer maker LiuJianGe also created a 3 d printer, when reporters asked whether can print guns, LiuJianGe very carefully.

  LiuJianGe that own this printer can print the plastic can't print the metal. Even print out a gun, its strength is not enough to shoot.

  To this, the police said that 3 d printing is an emerging thing, the police have conducted a survey of the current in the shenyang didn't find 3 d printer can print guns, only a university laboratory of 3 d printers may be close to this function in the future.

  But the reporter understands, shopping website have a 3 d printer for sale.

  Reporter saw on a web site, to sell the merchants of 3 d printers not less than 50, the 3 d printer price is relatively cheap, the cheapest 2800 yuan or so, the most expensive is close to 40000 yuan. Some businessmen told reporters that their products are the addition.

  Police said that the development of science and technology is necessary to require the police to study new things, and is likely to set up the rules on the technology.