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Office workers found using printer is more important than using PC

* 来源: * 作者: admin * 发表时间: 2020/11/10 17:24:25 * 浏览: 49

If you ask me what is the most commonly used equipment in the office, I could tell you are a water dispenser. According to new research, however, is the most important equipment in the printer. Yes, the printer is is more important than the computer. Danwood has carried on the above research, and access to the 1000 workers, 81% of the printer as one of the most important equipment, the second is the pen (73%), stapler (71%) and PC (70%).

Nearly half (46%) of the workers surveyed said every day use printer to print documents, there are 80% of workers said they need to print documents, to complete their work. According to the survey, review, post, distribute the presentation material, application and auditing and labeling are the key factors driving printing behavior.

Investigation on human waste of resources, we should save everything, including paper the opinion polls, 73% of workers said that they are trying to reduce reliance on print. But the survey also found that 28% of workers will be more copies to print.