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Updated Win10 October will be dropped from the image print scanning drive

* 来源: * 作者: admin * 发表时间: 2020/11/10 17:22:52 * 浏览: 57

Use a printer or scanner friends must know that before the use of such office equipment, must be installed on the computer and system version that matches the driver. , however, according to the latest news from Windows version 10 1809 update (October 2018), printers and scanners driver is no longer as part of the standard operating system image.

This means that users need to install from the Windows Update such hardware drivers, which requires Internet connection to download the latest version of software. In a recent statement, Microsoft explains that this change is intended to make Windows image more portable.

We say, the system image is the exact copy drive, so by default, it contains the Windows needed to run the drive, as well as Windows and the user's system Settings, programs and files. Early versions of Windows including basic printer driver, get rid of the low utilization rate of driver, users can save more storage space.

For now, though in some cases may give rise to problems with this approach, but Microsoft said it would deal with printers and scanners driver update strategy, the implementation of the new system as well. From the old version 10 to upgrade to the Windows in October 2018, to update the user won't find any difference, because the hard drive has been installed.

If the user cannot access Windows Update (for example, not to connect to the Internet), Microsoft said 10 will install Windows compatible Mopria printer, without other drivers. Microsoft says, since Windows 10 version 1809, add the Windows compatible Mopria wi-fi printer support. When the driver is unavailable, Windows can install the printer, without having to install any other software or drivers. Just now, Microsoft has not yet been revealed is removed from the Windows image printer driver, user specific how much space can be obtained.